
Black and Latino Men Read (BLMR) Annual Short Video Contest

Background: Since 2015, Tate’s Consulting Services-LLC, (TCS) has been promoting reading through its Black and Latino Men Read bi-annual (February/October) essay contest. I am excited to announce that in April, 2018, TCS is initiating an annual short video contest. Both contests support TCS’ mission of promoting literacy to under-served communities.

Participant Requirements:

Young men and women students enrolled in high school or a two or four-year college/university may enter the contest. Students are required to be 14 to 26 years of age.

Short Video Entry Requirements:

The short video must answer the question: Why read?
The short video, either documentary, experimental or narrative, must be a minimum of 1 minute and no more than 3 minutes in length.
Students may use music but are required to provide copyright usage documentation.

How to Submit Your video:

Students will upload their videos to YouTube/Vimeo or any popular video sharing site. You may submit your video link to on or before April 30th. (No late entries will be accepted.)


The short video clearly answers the questions: “Why read?”
The content of the video targets high school and college students.
The video is creative and innovative in its visual presentation.

Contest Awards:

1st Award: $500.00
4 runner-up entries will receive consolation awards totaling $50 each.

Notification: TCS will notify the winning and runner up entrants by May 15th. The winner and runner-up entries will be posted on TCS website at

Deadline: April 30th